Publicações Científicas

Modelo de Implementação do

Editorial sobre o PBM e ações do Grupo PBM-HU-UNIFESP

Relato de Caso do Grupo PBM-HU-UNIFESP

The urgent need to Implement patient Blood management

Save blood, save lives

Determination of Unnecessary Blood Transfusion by Comprehensive 15-Hospital Record Review

Multimodal Patient Blood Management Program Based on a Three-pillar Strategy

lternative blood products in trauma

Insufficient nitric oxide bioavailability: a hypothesis to explain adverse effects of red blood cell transfusion

Drivers for change: Western Australia Patient Blood Management Program (WA PBMP), World Health Assembly (WHA) and Advisory Committee on Blood Safety and Availability (ACBSA)

Recommendations From the International Consensus Conference on Anemia Management in Surgical Patients

Cell Salvage at the ICU

ONTraC: A 20-Year History of a Successfully Coordinated Provincewide Patient Blood Management Program: Lessons Learned and Goals Achieved

Patient Blood Management: Improving Outcomes for Millions While Saving Billions. What Is Holding It Up?

Decreased transfusion requirements with use of acute normovolemic hemodilution in open aortic aneurysm repair

Bloodless medicine: clinical care without allogeneic blood transfusion

A narrative review of prehospital hemorrhagic shock treatment with non-blood product medications

A Contemporary Analysis of Phlebotomy and Iatrogenic Anemia Development Throughout Hospitalization in Critically Ill Adults

Perspectives on the impact of storage duration on blood quality and transfusion outcomes

Red blood cell storage lesion: causes and potential clinical consequences